Good Good Podcast
Real and honest Bible conversations from three people who will never claim to know everything. We are just exploring the Scriptures, God, and theology in an open way. Thanks for joining us on this journey!
Podcasting since 2019 • 59 episodes
Good Good Podcast
Latest Episodes
Why: Jesus?
This week we're continuing asking that big, big question: why? And today we're asking "why Jesus?" There are a lot of people out there asking to be followed, many perhaps worth following, some...maybe, worth worshipping...so why Jesus? What is ...
Season 6
Episode 3

Why: the Bible?
We're continuing our "why" series and asking one of the other biggest questions regarding the Christian faith: why the Bible? Why should we read this super old book? What does it have to say about my life? Is it the truth? Wait...what about yog...
Season 6
Episode 2

Why: Church?
We're back and we're picking up a new series called "why?" We're going to dig into the why behind some of the most basic and assumed things about following Jesus, and the first question we'll ask why of is: the Church. Why do we have this thing...
Season 6
Episode 1

Theology of a Galaxy Far Far Away
This episode, Harry, Chris, and Hayden take a ship to a galaxy near and dear to our hearts in the Star Wars canon universe. We discuss a bit of how it ties to the Bible, but mostly just talk about what we like in Star Wars, how it could have go...
Season 5
Episode 1

Isaiah 56-66: The Wheels on the Bus
Harry, Chris, and Hayden close the scroll (how this exactly gets closed is explored in the final moments) on Isaiah and do it in a way that can only be described as sing-song. This final section of Isaiah is packed with hyperlinks and messianic...
Season 4
Episode 6